In 1941, due to growing concerns from the citizens of Brunnerville about fire protection, two chemical tanks were acquired from the Rothsville Fire Company. That same year, Milton Landis was elected as the Fire Chief. In September of 1944, the Brunnerville Fire Company became officially chartered.
The first fire station was located in the Landis Foundry building. The first fire engine was purchased from the Schaefferstown Fire Company in 1945. This engine was used until 1950, when a new Chevy engine was purchased. In 1955, property was purchased to build a new two-bay fire station. The new building was dedicated on April 25, 1959. At this time, Fire Chief Milton Landis began company-level drills, which were held once a week. In 1961, a Junior Cadet Program was formed to help attract younger members. In 1963, a basement was added to the fire station.
After the sudden passing of Fire Chief Milton Landis in 1966, the Company elected Clifford Keith as the new Fire Chief. Over the next few years, the Company would purchase new property across from the station, a new engine, and its first Scott air packs (2). The new engine arrived in 1969, and interestingly, the cab was painted tan. It was at this moment that the Company decided to keep the tan as the Company color and paint the rest of the engine to match. To this day, new apparatus purchased comes painted tan with a red stripe.
In 1991, an additional two bays were added to the existing station, as well as some updates in the original portion.
In Spring of 2020, a renovation project began to the station to add some much needed upgrades to the station. These included:
- Addition of a gear room to the middle of the station
- Extension of the South Bay (original station) to accommodate present day apparatus
- Raise the roof of the South Bay to accommodate present day apparatus
- Upgrade fascade to blend with rest of building
- Addition of lounge/kitchen for members
- Addition of two offices for Operational and Administrative Officers
- Renovation of the basement to include a gym, gear storage room, and additional storage room
- Upgrades to rental hall space
- Updated HVAC throughout station
Today, Brunnerville Fire Company still meets on a weekly basis to conduct company-level drills to remain proficient in all skills. We have a very dedicated group of volunteers that puts in hundreds of hours of training to provide high-level Fire, Rescue, and EMS services to the community.